
Wall Poster:

Wall poster is a wall covering like wallpaper, the difference is the designs on it, consist of a complete and large shape and theme, such as a picture of a beach or a picture of a tree and the surrounding landscape, that can be printed.
The image can be customized for customer.
The dimensions of the wall poster are completely at the request of the customer and the desired design can be printed on the dimensions ordered by the customer.
The paper of wall poster is same as the PVC wall paper, but this company can produce on 6 different types papers with different appearance:
Plain paper, fibro, flax, matte leather, glossy leather and Holandi.
all of them are available, and printed upon customer request.
The Wall Posters are printed by the most up-to-date poster printing machinery with the highest quality of color to satisfy customers.
Below is an example of a company archive design for wall posters